What you seek is seeking you.

What you seek is seeking you. (Rumi)

These words by Rumi are the fundamental element of the Law of Attraction. The Universe will conspire to present you with what you seek. Consciously or unconsciously, the magic is always in motion. Important to remember that this ‘Law’ works objectively, for good or bad; desired or undesired; therefore it is wise to be careful hyper-aware of what you think about.

To me The most important thing is to be aware of our attention and energy as it relates to the Law of Attraction and not become attached to an outcome or result. Have a burning desire and show up with a focused intent and with Gratitude, as if the thing you want is already yours. Allow things to manifest in their own time and understand that everything that happens is happening For you and in alignment with the energy of your thoughts. Conscious energy will almost always get us where we want to go much faster than an aimless approach.

We draw things closer to us with thought; our mind is so much more powerful than we can even comprehend. Matter responds, far more than most people realize, to the power of thought.

We are like magnets - like attracts like. You become AND attract what you think about most. Think the thought until you believe it, and once you believe it, it is. To bring anything into your life, imagine that it’s already there. (Napoleon Hill)

Going one step further to that last sentence. We must not only imagine but feel the emotions that are associated with attaining our desires. Feel the Gratitude, feel the joy and excitement as if you already have that thing. You are already doing this without realizing it so why not be intentional with your thoughts and emotions, directing them towards the life experiences you want to have.

For you pessimists out there…the power of thought does not guarantee that what you think about will manifest 100% of the time and rarely will it happen in the way you think or in the timeframe you would like, however our thoughts have a significant influence on the reality we experience.

Matter does not create consciousness, consciousness creates matter. This concept has taken me years to even try to wrap my head around and I’m not to saying that I have it all the way figured out, although I do have a good understanding of the power of releasing attachments, and allowing the Law of Attraction the opportunity to work in my favor, which to me is the ultimate Freedom in this game we call Life.

This is a constant practice of finding the balance between maintaining a focused intent and letting go of any attachments that we may have to any outcome or result. Every day is a practice and that is all it is.

Stay Grateful!!

Book recommendations: *Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill *The Way to Love by Anthony De Mello


You know who’s going through a lot right now..? Literally everyone, just be kind.